Be Brothers and Sisters to each other by being in Vibrational Alignment with Love – December 4, 2022 – Jesus Rivera

1st Reading:        Isaiah 11:1-10

2nd Reading:       Romans 15:4-9

Gospel:                 Matthew 3:1-12

Homily:               Jesus Rivera (summarized from notes taken)

“Justice” comes up a lot in our Advent readings.  “Justice” and “judgement” have a negative connotation (for most people).  If a bad person is judged negatively, things (usually) go poorly for them.

“Justice” is being in vibrational alignment with God and with love. “Vibrational” means for your whole life.  “Alignment” means being with God. 

From today’s Gospel we hear:

It was John that the prophet Isaiah described when he said,

“A herald’s voice cries in the desert:

‘Prepare the way of Our God, make straight the paths of God!’ ”

When we are one with love, we are who we truly are (meant to be).  John the Baptist got it, he was vibrationally aligned with Love, Jesus, God.  He was on fire and could get you to realize what/who you (truly) are.

In our first reading, Isaiah tells us what life in vibrational alignment is:

The Spirit of YHWH will rest on you:

a spirit of wisdom and understanding,

a spirit of counsel and strength,

a spirit of knowledge and reverence for YHWH….

In our second reading from Romans we hear themes of patience, strength, and encouragement and are called to accept one another as God accepts us.  When I am in vibrational alignment with God, I hope others are as well.  You are my sister, my brother; you are special to me.

Here’s a little story about vibrational alignment in everyday life:

A 7- or 8-year-old girl suffered from panic attacks.  One day during an attack, she ran outside and lay down on the ground.  It was raining.  When her mom saw her, she went outside and laid down next to her daughter and held her hand.

I imagine this child thinking, Who is this person who – wanting me to feel better – lies down with me, takes my hand, while I’m having a panic attack?  When we are aligned with God, we are aligned with each other also.