Liturgy – Paraliturgy Checklist

The planning team prepares a “Mass” program or a similar program for paraliturgy celebrations. The program follows the parts of the Mass in the normal sequence. The program outline below also includes some parts identified as “at the discretion of the planners” and others identified as “not implemented in the virtual paraliturgy.”

Theme: Planners and presider determine this.

Welcome and Introduction: one of the planners welcomes the community and introduces the theme

Gathering song: the music group leads the congregation in person or the zoom coordinator provides an audio file if a paraliturgy

Greeting and Opening Prayer: given by the presider.

Kyrie: a prayer for the mercy of God

Gloria: a prayer of glory to God in the highest; the music group leads the congregation if in person or, the Zoom coordinator provides an audio file if a paraliturgy

First Reading: by one of the planners

Responsorial Psalm: the music group leads the congregation in person; or, the Zoom coordinator provides an audio file if a paraliturgy

Second Reading: by one of the planners

Gospel Acclamation: Alleluia –normally sung

Gospel: the presider or a planner may read it

Homily: the presider reflects on the scriptures with variations, such as a community dialogue

Creed: a profession of Faith led by one of the planners

Offertory Song: usually omitted in a paraliturgy

Presentation of the Gifts and Preparation of the Altar: the planners bring the offerings of bread and wine to the altar; this is not part of the virtual paraliturgy

Prayers of the Faithful: led by a planner followed by prayers from the community

Songs: Holy, holy, holy and Eucharistic Acclamation, and Great Amen led by music group.

Lord’s Prayer: may be sung or recited together by the congregation

Sign of Peace: the presider asks the congregation to share a sign of peace

Lamb of God: sung and led by the music group

Consecration: the presider prays for the transformation of the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ; this is not part of the virtual paraliturgy

Communion: the congregation shares in the Body and Blood of Christ; this is not part of the virtual paraliturgy however, the presider may lead the community in a spiritual communion

Communion song: the music group leads the congregation if in person; or, the Zoom provides an audio file if a paraliturgy; this is not usually part of the virtual paraliturgy

Meditation: may be silent or a reading provided by the planners

Closing Prayer: by presider

Final Blessing (Dismissal): the presider prays that God will bless all as we go from the service

Closing song: the music group leads the congregation or, the Zoom coordinator provides an audio file if a paraliturgy

Announcements: open to members of the community