John in Garden of Gethsemane

Palm Sunday

John in Garden of Gethsemane

Jesus asked me, John, and two other disciples, James and Peter, to accompany him to Mt Olives.  Jesus appeared full of grief and anguish.  He told us he was deeply grieved, to the point of death.  He asked that we stay there and to stay awake with him.  Then Jesus entered the garden of Gethsemane and fell prostate in prayer.  We heard him pray to let this cup pass from him, but not his will but God’s.  Jesus continued to pray, and our eyes grew heavy with sleep.

Jesus startled us awake and asked could we not stay awake with him for even an hour.  He told us to be on guard and to pray we may not undergo trail.  Jesus observed that the spirit is willing, but the body is weak.  Again, he left us to pray in the garden. 

Although we tried, we just could not stay awake.  Jesus returned and discovered us asleep, again.  He said the hour is upon us; the chosen one is betrayed into the hands of sinners.   He spoke with such sadness and despair.  While he prayed for this cup to pass him, we knew he would submit to a greater fate.