LGBT Theology and Outreach in the Catholic Tradition


1. T. Salzman and M. Lawler, Sexual Ethics: A Theological Introduction, Georgetown Univ. Press, 2012 (academic but very readable, chapter 5 on reconsidering morality of homosexuality is excellent).

2. M. Farley, Just Love: A Framework for Christian Sexual Ethics, Continuum International Publishing, 2006 (also readable, groundbreaking).


1. James Martin SJ, Building a Bridge, How the Catholic Church and the LGBTQ Community Can Enter into a Relationship of Respect, Compassion, and Sensitivity, Harper-Collins, Revised Ed. 2018.

2. New Ways Ministry

3.  Listing of LGBTQ-FRIENDLY PARISHES & FAITH COMMUNITIES including PAX and NOVA communities in Northern Virginia:

Area Support Groups

1. Arlington PFLAG

2. TransParent Arlington