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PAX Creed written by Charles Hookey for Christmas Eve 2017

We believe in God, omniscient, mysterious, and eternal, creator of all there is and all that we are.  We believe God set in motion the unfolding star-filled universe, the Earth with its warm summer breezes and cold winter nights, the soaring eagle and the lowly worm, the genius and the simple.  We believe God desires that we all live as brothers and sisters of one great family. We believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, Wonder-Counselor, Prince of Peace, born as a baby in a stable to Mary, part of a poor, refugee family.  We believe he preached God’s word and was crucified by those who did not understand.  He died and rose from the grave in glory, and will reconcile the whole world with God, tearing down the walls that divide us. We believe in the Holy Spirit, the breath of God, the promise of the coming Kingdom, who gives us the strength to tell, nay, proclaim the Good News of salvation. We believe in the resurrection of the dead, and a new life with God forever. Amen. 

I Believe – A PAX Creed by Judy Grissmer

I believe in God for whom there is no adequate name.
I believe in God who is the creative force and sustainer of all life and all people. 
I believe in Jesus whose divine purpose is to return us to our true nature as offspring of God –
to help us to heal our broken relationships with ourselves, with others, and with nature. 
I believe in Christ’s teachings, his example and his oneness with God. 
I believe that the Holy Spirit is present in the world and within each living being. 
I believe in the grace that the Holy Spirit imparts and the constancy with which the Spirit opens new and more perfect possibilities for creativity, purpose and love in our lives. 
I believe in the mystery of the continuity of life after death, the presence of the saints, angels and loved ones who work on our behalf, and in the power of a Eucharistic community within the church. 
I believe that breaking the bread and drinking the wine re-unites us in hope and holiness with the world community that Christ so fully loved. I believe in the sacredness of conscience within a community of love, prayer, and justice.
I live for peace and reconciliation within the world.  Amen.

Creed – Jesus is Our Peace

We believe that Jesus Christ is our peace and that, through His Death and Resurrection, He gave God’s peace to the world.  We believe that in Him, God has reconciled the world, made it one, and has manifested definitively that God’s will is this reconciliation, this unity between God and all peoples, and among the peoples themselves.  We believe the way to union has been opened and the covenant with peace established.  We believe that the Risen Lord’s gift of peace.

Creed – Jesus is Our Peace (with additional “verses”)

We believe that Jesus Christ is our peace and that, through his death and resurrection, he gave God’s peace to the world.  We believe that in him, God has reconciled the world, made it one, and has manifested definitively that God’s will is this reconciliation, this unity between God and all peoples, and among the peoples themselves.  We believe that the way to union has been opened and the covenant with peace established.  We believe that the Risen Lord’s gift of peace is inextricably bound with the call to follow Jesus and to continue proclamation of God’s reign.  Matthew’s Gospel tells us that Jesus’ last words to His disciples were a promise:  “I am with you always.”  We believe in the continuing presence of Jesus, which gives disciples of all ages the courage to follow him.  We believe that following Jesus implies continual conversion of one’s own life as one seeks to act in Christ.

CREED –  PAX CHRISTI  [Our Prayers Rise Like Incense, Liturgies for Peace]

I believe in the God of Life, who shared life with us in the fruitful act of creation.  I believe in the God of Love, who brought Love to us in the humanity of God’s son, Jesus.  In his divinity, Christ made us holy.  In life, Christ made us sisters and brothers.  In death, Christ freed us to love.  In rising, Christ freed us to live.  I believe in the God of Hope:  Christ who sent the Spirit to build the Church, who gave us prophets to show our failings, who gave us saints to show God’s glory, who gave us ordinary, holy people to do God’s work.  I believe in People because God believes in People.  God gave us each other to love, to live for, to hope with.  And I believe in our resurrection, the final triumph of life and love, the fulfillment of all our hope.  Amen. 

African Creed used in the Franciscan Mission Service Commissioning ceremony 11/23/03

From Christianity Rediscovered by Vincent Donovan

We believe in the one High God, who out of love created the beautiful world and everything good in it. God created us and wanted us to be happy in the world. God loves the world and every nation and tribe on the earth. We have known this High God in the darkness, and now we know God in the light. God promised in the book of the word, the Bible, that the Messiah would save the world, all nations and tribes.

We believe that God, made good on this promise by sending Jesus Christ, born in the flesh, a Jew by tribe, born poor in a little village, who left his home and was always on safari doing good, curing people by the power of God, showing that the meaning of religion is love. Christ was rejected by the people, tortured and nailed hands and feet to a cross, and died. He lay buried in the grave, but the hyenas did not touch him, and on the third day, he rose from the grave. He ascended to the skies. Christ is the Lord.

We believe that all our sins are forgiven through him. All who have faith in Christ must be sorry for their sins, be baptized in the Holy Spirit of God, live the rules of love and share the bread together in love, to announce the good news to others until Jesus comes again. We are waiting for him. Christ is alive. Christ lives. This we believe. Amen.

Prayer of Hope

We ask you God to increase and strengthen hope in us.  Make us always build on You and Your faithfulness and always hold fast, without despair.  Make us to be of this mind and attitude.  Then, O God, we will have the virtue of hope.  Then we can set about, courageously, the task of conducting our lives and we can be animated by the confidence that we are not working in vain.  With hope we can work in the knowledge that in us, and through us, and, where our powers fail, without us, You are working to our salvation and the salvation of others.

We also ask for Your grace.  Make us share in Jesus’ example.  Help us to recognize that He is our mediator with You.  Help us to house Him so that He may live in us and enlighten us in the way of the cross and suffering.  If we have these gifts, we are rich.  For in hope and with grace, we find You.  And finding You, we find the power of life.


We believe in God, who calls into being things that do not exist, that God exists and rewards those who search for God.  We know and believe the love God has for us.  We believe in the Messiah whom God has sent, the Holy One of God, Jesus our Lord; Who was put to death for our sins and raised up for our justification; that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; that Jesus died and rose again; that God gives life to the dead; and that we shall reign with God.  In the Gospel’s words, we affirm and ask: “I BELIEVE, LORD!  HELP MY UNBELIEF!”


We believe, O God, that all of life is your revelation to us, if we but have the eyes to se it, the ears to hear it, and the spirit to live it.  We believe your revelation to us is unfolding as we grow in knowledge of ourselves and as we plunge into the work to which we are called.  We believe you show yourself to us through all the others in our lives – those with whom we share the intimacy and warmth of family life and friendship, and those whose lives we know only through reading about their strivings and sufferings.  We believe you create, renew and strengthen us as we try to build a community of your people, coming together for comfort, challenge and celebrations.  Finally, we look at our faith and pledge, as individuals and as community, to support each other in this faith, and then to go forth in service to those around us.

Creed (same as above with additional statements of belief)

We believe, O God, that all of life is your revelation to us, if we but have the eyes to see it, the ears to hear it, and the spirit to live it.  We believe you are speaking to us in nature.  We believe that you are revealing yourself to us in Scripture, in the fullness of Sacramental life, in the sharing of community dialogue, and in the reflections of quiet meditation.  We believe your revelation to us is unfolding as we grow in knowledge of ourselves, as we plunge into the work to which we are called by our various talents, and as the course of our lives show us their marking and meaning as we take the journey home.  We believe you show yourself to us through all the others in our lives–those with whom we share the intimacy and warmth of family life and friendship, and even those whose lives we know only through our reading of their strivings and sufferings.  We believe you create, renew, and strengthen us as we try to build a community of your people who come together for comfort, challenge, and celebration.  Finally, today, we look at our faith, and pledge, as individuals and as a community, to support each other in this faith, and then to go forth in service to those around us.  Amen.


We come here as the family of God, gathering around the table of the Word, the Bread, the Cup, to proclaim the vision of faith we share.  We believe in God, our Creator, Author of Life and Giver of all good gifts.  We believe in Jesus Christ, God’s only begotten son, who was born into the human family as “God with us” and who died and rose that we might be members of His body.  We believe in the Holy Spirit, source of wisdom and strength, who ever shares the life of Jesus with us.  We believe in the Church, God’s pilgrim people, called to be a sign to all the families of nations of the goodness and loving mercy of our God.  We believe in God’s loving plan for community; we believe in our vision of unity, sharing and service.  We proclaim always and everywhere that Jesus is Lord.

Creed (Community to repeat each line after reader)

We love You, God our Mother  and Father.

We love Jesus, your begotten one, our Lord.

We believe Jesus was born of Mary.

We believe that Jesus lived His life on earth to show us how to live together.

We believe Jesus died and came back to life.

We believe Jesus is now in heaven, in God’s kingdom.

We believe God the Creator and Jesus the Redeemer sent their Holy Spirit to help and comfort us.

We believe you and I are sisters and brothers of Christ.

We believe that we will be together with Christ always.

Creed (Help Us Live This Belief)

We believe in God, our creator, who is the author and sustainer of all life. Help us to live this belief.  We believe in Jesus Christ, God’s only begotten one, who was born into the human family as God with us.  His life serves as model and challenge.  His passion, death, and resurrection redeemed us. 
Help us to live this belief.  
We believe in the Holy Spirit who is our source of wisdom and strength. 
Help us to live this belief.  We believe that we are Church, God’s pilgrim people, called to be a sign of God’s mercy and justice.  Our faith is the solid root that missions us out into the world. 
Help us to live this belief. 
We believe that we are nourished for our journey into the 21st Century by the Word, Eucharist, prayer, and community. 
Help us to live this belief. 
We believe that we are sons and daughters of the resurrection and alleluia is our song. 
Help us to live this belief.

Community Creed  I accept this belief.

We believe in God, our creator, who is the author and sustainer of all life. I accept this belief.

We believe in Jesus Christ, God’s only begotten son, who was born into the human family as God with us.  His life serves as model and challenge.  His passion, death, and resurrection redeemed us.  I accept this belief.

We believe in the Holy Spirit who is our source of wisdom and strength.  I accept this belief.

We believe that we are Church, God’s pilgrim people, called to be a sign of God’s mercy and justice.  Our faith is the solid root that missions us out into the world.  I accept this belief. 

We believe that we are nourished for our journey into the 21st Century by the Word, Eucharist, prayer, and community.  I accept this belief. 

We believe that we are sons and daughters of the resurrection and alleluia is our song.  I accept this belief.


We believe in God, the creator of this whole universe with all its mysteries.  We believe in Jesus Christ who, for the love of all of us, has willed to share our history, our existence with us.  We believe that Jesus dwelt among us as a light in the darkness.  Although we nailed Him to a cross, the darkness did not overcome Him, for He trusted in God’s word and is risen, once for all.  We believe in the Holy Spirit, Who is Lord and gives life.  We believe that together we are all on a journey, pilgrims, called to gather as a community to be God’s holy people, to confess freedom from evil, to bring justice, and to reveal the courage to love.  We believe in eternal life, in love that is stronger than death, and in a new heaven and a new earth.  Glory for God and peace to all people.


The Good News has come in Jesus Christ.  He is the sign of God’s love for us.  Our Messiah reveals to us who we are, children of God.  He went about bringing joy to lives.  Christ gave himself as he shared the fish with the poor and as he provided bread and wine for his friends.  Christ overcame death.  We therefore proclaim his death for us every time we gather.  We profess his resurrection as we stand by our neighbors.  We expect his return as we work for the world of tomorrow.  We know that we have received his gifts and that we are his church.   In the newness of the spirit of this day, and with the grace of his sacrament made ours, we will live as the Church for others.  MAY IT BE EVER SO!


I believe in God, the omnipotence of love.  God is the Creator of heaven and earth, this whole universe with all its mysteries.  God knows us from eternity.  God never forgets that we are made of the dust of the earth, and one day we shall return to it as dust.  I believe in Jesus Christ, the only beloved Son of God.  For love of us all Christ has willed to share our humanity.  I believe that God also wants to be our God in a human way.  Accordingly, Jesus dwelt among us, a light in the darkness.  But the darkness did not overcome Him.  We nailed Him to a Cross, and He died and was buried.  But Jesus trusted in God’s final word, and is risen.  Our Savior said He would prepare a place for us in God’s house, where He now dwells.  I believe in the Holy Spirit, Who is the Lord and giver of life.  I believe in the prophets among us, the Spirit of language, power, and fire.  I believe that together we are all on a journey, Pilgrims called and gathered together to be God’s holy people.  I confess freedom from evil, the task of bringing justice and the courage to love.  I believe in eternal life, in love that is stronger than death, in heaven and in a new earth.  And I believe that I may hope for a life with God and with one another for all eternity.  Glory to God and peace for all people.


We believe in God, the Mother and Father: the omnipotence of love.  God is the Creator of heaven and earth, this whole universe with all its mysteries; this earth on which we live and the stars to which we travel.  God knows us from eternity.  God never forgets that we are made of the dust of the earth, and that one day we shall return to it as dust.

We believe in Jesus Christ, the only beloved One of God.  For love of us all, Jesus has willed to share our history, our existence with us.  We believe that God also wants to be our God in a human way.  Accordingly, Jesus dwelt among us, a light in the darkness.  But the darkness did not overcome Him.  We nailed Him to the Cross, and He died and was buried.  But He trusted in the Creator’s final word, and is risen.  Jesus said that He would prepare a place for us in God’s house, where He now dwells.

We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord and giver of life, the prophets among us, the Spirit of language, power, and fire.  We believe that together we are all on a journey, Pilgrims, called and gathered together to be God’s holy people.  For we confess freedom from evil, the task of bringing justice and the courage to love.

We believe in eternal life, in love that is stronger than death, in heaven and in a new earth.  And we believe that we may hope for a life with God and with one another for all eternity.  Glory to God and peace for all people.

Creed  From William Wantland, Seminole Bishop of Eau Claire, “The Pearl of Great Price”

Let us then remember the pain and suffering, for they are part of our history and must never be forgotten. 

Let us all learn from the past so that we do not ever repeat its injustice and tyranny. 

Let us also celebrate.  Let us celebrate the oneness of God’s people, the unity in diversity of Creation. 

Let us especially give thanks that long ago, in a far land, God had a Son, who suffered and died on the cross,

that all of us would have the promise of resurrection. 

That is worthy of celebration.  That is the pearl of great price. 

Not the war, not the killing, not the destruction of peoples and nations, not the injustice and cruelty, but the hope of God’s love, the realization that we are all made in God’s image and called to share in the kingdom.

Creed (from “Share the Word” the Paulists)

We believe in God, who calls into being things that do not exist.  We believe that God exists and rewards those who search for God.  We know and believe the love God has for us.  We believe in the One whom God has sent, The Holy One of God, Jesus our Lord; who was put to death for our sins and raised up for our justification.  We believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; that Jesus died and rose again; that God gives life to the dead and that we shall reign with God.  In the gospel’s words, we affirm and ask: “I believe, Lord!  Help my unbelief!”

Creed (from PAX mass sheet 7/28/2002)

I believe in the Holy Trinity who created women and men in God’s own image.  I believe in Emmanuel, God-with-us, who truly graced Mary, and talked of Kin-dom with all kinds of people…around a Table.  I believe in Jesus who discussed theology with a woman at a well, confiding his true identity. I believe in Jesus who healed a woman on Sabbath because she was human, and a blind man, refusing to be silenced. I believe in Jesus who spoke of God as a woman with a broom seeking a lost coin; and of giving all that one has for The Pearl of great price. I believe in Jesus who appeared first to Mary Magdala on Easter and sent her with the bursting message: GO AND TELL! I believe in the reign of God where there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female; only just people.  I believe in the Holy Spirit, groaning with us, as we pray for things too deep for words!


We believe in one God, the All-Loving maker of heaven and earth, and of all that is seen and unseen.  We believe in Jesus Messiah, the Son of God, whose message of love and forgiveness most reflected the love and forgiveness of God.  Jesus was born of Mary, by the power of the Holy Spirit, that all humanity might hear the gospel message.  Our Messiah was crucified, died, and buried and then rose to live in the hearts of those who would hear and act on the message of truth and compassion.  Those who hear this gospel and share the goods of the earth with their fellow humans will partake in a holy community of mercy and salvation forever.  We believe in the Holy Spirit who proceeds from God, gives life to all creation, and who dwells in all human beings.  This Spirit has spoken through the prophets, lives with the communities that practice compassion and forgiveness, acts in us when we raise our hands to bless and help one another, comforts the dying, and gives us hope for the resurrection of the body and eternal life of the spirit.

Community Creed  “The Good News”

The good news has come in Jesus Christ.   Our Messiah is the sign of God’s love for us.  Christ reveals to us who we are, children of God.  Our Messiah went about bringing joy to lives.  Jesus gave himself as he shared the fish with the poor and as he provided bread and wine for his friends.  He overcame death.  We therefore proclaim his death for us every time we gather.  We profess resurrection as we stand by our neighbors.  We expect his return as we work for the world of tomorrow.  We know that we have received his gifts and that we are his church.  In the newness of the spirit of this day, and with grace of his sacrament made ours, we will live as the Church for others.  MAY IT BE EVER SO!

Apostles’ Creed

We believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth. 

We believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord.  He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary.  Christ suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried.  He descended to the dead.  On the third day he rose again.  Christ ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father.  He will come again to judge the living and the dead.

We believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting.  Amen.

Apostles’ Creed

I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord.  He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried.  He descended into hell.  On the third day he rose again.  He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father.  He will come again to judge the living and the dead.  I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting.  Amen.

From the Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World, Vatican II

We believe in one God, Our Lord, in the Holy Spirit, and in Jesus Christ, The Son of God. 
We believe the world was created and is sustained by the Maker’s love. 
We believe the Church in the world of today must focus its attention on the world of humanity,
the whole human family along with the sum of those realities in the midst of which that family lives. 
We believe the world was emancipated by Christ when he was crucified and that as Christians our goal is to carry forward the work of Christ under the lead of the Holy Spirit. 

We believe that conscience is our most secret core and sanctuary.  In fidelity to conscience, Christians are joined with the rest of humanity in the search for truth, and for genuine solutions to the numerous problems that arise in the lives of individuals.  This holds true for everyone of good will in whose heart grace works in an unseen way.  For since Christ died for all, and since the ultimate vocation of humanity is in fact one and divine, we believe that the Holy Spirit, in a manner known only to God, offers to every man and woman the possibility of being associated with this paschal mystery.

Through Christ and in Christ the riddles of sorrow and death grow meaningful.  Apart from the gospel they overwhelm us. 

Christ has risen, destroying death by his death.  Christ has lavished life upon us so that, as sons and daughters in the Son, we cry out in spirit: Abba, Mother! Father!

PAX Community Creed

We believe in God, creator of the immensity of time and space,
who personally knows and cares about each person
in the small moments of your lives.
We believe in God who is intensely personal,
   –like a father, but much more than a father,
   –like a mother, but much more than a mother,
Who ultimately is MYSTERY
and before whom we must stand wordless and in awe.
We believe in Jesus as the special foundation of our knowledge of God,
who sometimes used images of women and mothers,
who sometimes used images of men and fathers,
to try to help us sense the incredible power and sensitive intimacy of God’s love.
We believe in Jesus as the one who called people beyond their personal wounds and illnesses to be witnesses of God’s healing love and comfort.
We believe in Jesus who from the cross in agony found the strength
to love and forgive those who betrayed, tortured and executed him
and who rose to offer comfort, love and hope.
We believe in the Holy Spirit of God,
given to us to enable us to forgive and comfort, heal and rebuild communities of hope and love in global solidarity.
We believe in the community of faith living in that Spirit
that has the strength to tread on the serpent that tempts us to revenge, to hatred, to discrimination, and to intolerance,
and to tread on the scorpions of distrust and fear, and
to come away with our power to love and forgive and comfort unharmed.
We believe that you are a community in Christ’s Spirit called every day to spread this hope and comfort in rebuilding our community, our church, our nation, our world.
We are willing and grateful to live in this Spirit all the days of your life
and through your death and re-birth into everlasting Life.
We give you our deepest thanks, our Loving God, through Christ our Lord and in the living Spirit.  Amen.

CREED (Created by the Center of Concern, 2011)

Community Response:  Help my unbelief !
God, I believe that you can do new things.  Help my unbelief !
I believe that you can help us to make a way in the desert.  Help my unbelief !
I believe that you want to create rivers through the wasteland.  Help my unbelief !
I believe that we are not stuck to just repeat the evils of the past.  Help my unbelief !
I believe that I can do things that I was not able to do before.  Help my unbelief !
I believe that I might be able to forgive my enemy.  Help my unbelief !
I believe that peace among nations is possible.  Help my unbelief !
I believe that we can overcome the ways of violence.  Help my unbelief !
I believe that we can eliminate hunger and poverty.  Help my unbelief !
I believe that we can overcome racism.  Help my unbelief !
I believe that we can create homes for everyone.  Help my unbelief !
I believe that we can finally drop the stones of condemnation.  Help my unbelief !
I believe that we will have a new heaven and a new earth.  Help my unbelief !
I believe that with your spirit we can all see things in a new way.  Help my unbelief !
God, I believe that together we can do new things.  Help my unbelief !

The Inclusive Creed  (written by Jim Hug in 2007)

Do you believe in God, creator of the immensity of time and space, who personally knows and cares about each person in the small moments of our lives?  Response: I do believe.

Do you believe in God who is intensely personal, like a father, but much more than a father, like a mother, but much more than a mother, who ultimately is mystery and before whom we must stand wordless and in awe?  I do believe.

Do you believe in Jesus as the special foundation of our knowledge of God, who sometimes used images of men and fathers, and who sometimes used images of women and mothers, to try and help us sense the incredible power and sensitive intimacy of God’s love?  I do believe.

Do you believe in Jesus as the one who called people beyond their personal wounds and illnesses to be witnesses of God’s healing love and comfort?  I do believe.

Do you believe in Jesus who from the cross in agony found the strength to love and forgive those who betrayed, tortured, and executed him, and who rose to offer comfort, love and hope?  I do believe.

Do you believe in the Holy Spirit of God, given to us to enable us to forgive and comfort, heal and rebuild communities of hope and love in global solidarity?  I do believe.

Do you believe in the community of faith living in that Spirit, that has the strength to tread on the serpent that temps us to revenge, to hatred, to discrimination, and to intolerance, and to tread on the scorpions of distrust and fear, and to come away with our power to love and forgive and comfort unharmed?  I do believe.

Do you believe that you are a community in Christ’s Spirit called every day to spread this hope and comfort in rebuilding our community, our church, our nation, our world?  I do believe.

Are you willing and grateful to live in this Spirit all the days of your life and through your death and re-birth into everlasting life?  I do believe.

We give you our deepest thanks, our loving God, through Christ our Lord, and in the living Spirit. Amen.

Creed (by Jim Hug, SJ; 2007)

We believe in God, creator of the immensity of time and space, who personally knows and cares about each person in the small moments of your lives.

We believe in God who is intensely personal, –like a father, but much more than a father, –like a mother, but much more than a mother, Who ultimately is MYSTERY and before whom we must stand wordless and in awe.

We believe in Jesus as the special foundation of our knowledge of God, who sometimes used images of women and mothers, who sometimes used images of men and fathers, to try to help us sense the incredible power and sensitive intimacy of God’s love.

We believe in Jesus as the one who called people beyond their personal wounds and illnesses to be witnesses of God’s healing love and comfort.

We believe in Jesus who from the cross in agony found the strength to love and forgive those who betrayed, tortured and executed him and who rose to offer comfort, love and hope.

We believe in the Holy Spirit of God, given to us to enable us to forgive and comfort, heal and rebuild communities of hope and love in global solidarity.

We believe in the community of faith living in that Spirit that has the strength to tread on the serpent that tempts us to revenge, to hatred, to discrimination, and to intolerance, and to tread on the scorpions of distrust and fear, and to come away with our power to love and forgive and comfort unharmed.

We believe that you are a community in Christ’s Spirit called every day to spread this hope and comfort in rebuilding our community, our church, our nation, our world.

We are willing and grateful to live in this Spirit all the days of your life and through your death and re-birth into everlasting Life.

We give you our deepest thanks, our Loving God, through Christ our Lord and in the living Spirit. Amen.

Nicene Creed

We believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all that is seen and unseen. We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father, God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten not made, one in Being with the Father. Through him all things were made. For us men and our salvation he came down from heaven: by the power of the Holy Spirit he was born of the Virgin Mary, and became man.

For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate; he suffered, died and was buried.  On the third day he rose again in fulfillment of the Scriptures; he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father.  He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end.  We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son.  With the Father and the Son he is worshiped and glorified.  He has spoken through the prophets.  We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church.  We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.  We look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come.  Amen.

Modified Nicene Creed

We believe in one God, the All-Loving maker of heaven and earth, and of all that is seen and unseen. We believe in Jesus Messiah, the Son of God whose message of love and forgiveness most reflected the love and forgiveness of God.  Jesus was born of Mary, by the power of the Holy Spirit, in order that all humanity might hear the gospel message.  Our Messiah was crucified; died, and was buried; and then rose to live in the hearts of those who would hear and act on the message of truth and compassion.  Those who hear this gospel and share the goods of the earth with their fellow humans will partake in a holy community of mercy and salvation forever.  We believe in the Holy Spirit who proceeds from God, gives life to all creation, and who dwells in all human beings.  This Spirit has spoken through the prophets, lives with the communities that practice compassion and forgiveness, acts in us when we raise our hands to bless and help one another, comforts the dying, and gives us hope for the resurrection of the body and eternal life of the spirit.

Nicene Creed PROFESSION OF FAITH (Inclusive Language Version)

We believe in one God, the almighty God, maker of heaven and earth, of all that is seen and unseen.

We believe in the Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, eternally begotten God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, one in Being with the Creator through whom all things were made.  For all of us and for our salvation, Jesus came down from heaven: * by the power of the Holy Spirit, Christ was born of the Virgin Mary and became flesh.  For our sake Christ was crucified under Pontius Pilate; he suffered, died and was buried.  On the third day Christ rose in fulfillment of the Scriptures; he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of God the Creator; He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead.  And his reign will have no end.  We believe in the Holy Spirit, the giver of life, Who proceeds from God, creator and redeemer. Together they are worshipped and glorified.  The Spirit has spoken through the prophets.  We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic church.  We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.  We look for the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come.  Amen

Creed                (first used in August 2022)                                                                     
We belong to the Creator in whose image we are all made.
In God we are breathing,
in God we are living,
in God we share the life of all creation.

We belong to Jesus Christ, the true icon of God and of humanity.
In Jesus God is breathing,
in Jesus God is living,
through Jesus we are reconciled.

We belong to the Holy Spirit, who gives us new life and strengthens our faith.
In the Spirit love is breathing,
in the Spirit truth is living,
the breath of God always moves us.

We belong to the Holy Trinity, who is one in all and Three-in-One.
In God we are made,
in Christ we are saved,
in the Spirit we are united.

Creed: adapted from Sr. Anne-Louise Nadeau, Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur (SNDdeN)

First used during Lent, March 2023

I acknowledge death. I acknowledge death is a part of life, a part of every life. I acknowledge we were born to die … to die, that we may live more fully. Born to die a little each day … to selfishness, to pretense, to sin. I believe that every time we pass from one stage of life to another, something in us dies. The innocence and spontaneity of childhood dies to the daring of youth, to the reasoning of maturity. With the giving up of self, we receive new life for the self.

I believe that death is the way of nature … in a flower that fades, a leaf that falls, a raindrop that evaporates, a brain and heart that stop. I believe that I taste death in moments of loneliness, unlove, sorrow and disappointments; when I am afraid, lose courage and give up; see my broken dreams, and every time I say good-by. I believe that I am dying before my time when I live in bitterness, hatred, and isolation. I believe that I create my own death by the way I live. I believe that life and death are one — that in the one same moment I can say that I am living and I am dying.

I believe that Jesus walked towards his death out of love and that He invites me to do the same. I also believe Jesus rose to new life and conquered death for us all. I pray that my own experiences of renewal are a taste of eternal life to come. Amen.